Monday, 19 December 2016

Caregiver Portal and Online Payments

Edge has an online caregiver portal that enables authorised caregivers to see core information about their child/children including up-to-date attendance, school reports, NCEA progress and the facility to make online payments for school donations and other charges. The caregiver portal is easily configured by school administration staff and can set up in minutes.

One of the big time savers for schools using the caregiver portal is the facility for parents/caregivers to pay fees and donations online.  Payments made in this way are automatically reconciled back to the students transaction summary page meaning that office staff don't need to manually enter each transaction from the bank statements.

When caregivers make payments online it also helps to cut down on the amount of traffic into a school office during peak payment periods, not to mention the trips to the bank.  Online payments are facilitated via POLi payments (internet banking) and Pay Station (Credit/Debit cards) with schools setting up merchant accounts with either one or both of these providers.

Check out this short video to see how a caregiver can make a payment using the portal.

For assistance in setting up the Edge caregiver portal at your school simply email our Services team.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Tracking Student Support Programmes

As well as giving schools the tools to keep track of students pastoral incidents (problems/positives) using PB4L required fields, the Pastoral facility in EDGE Student Manager also allows users to keep track of the Supports offered to students.

Support types and support actions can be configured via Pastoral > Configuration by any user with Pastoral Officer responsibility in Edge SM.  Support types might be recorded as Literacy Support, Mathematics Support, Behaviour Support, Social Skill Support etc.  The corresponding support actions might include RTLB, RTLit, Social Worker Referral, Psychologist, Special Education, Reading Recovery, ESOL programme etc. In fact any support programme that you offer in your school can be included.

A support is added to a student record by clicking the Add Pastoral button found on the purple banner at the base of the screen.

The student pastoral summary will keep track of supports added:

Users with Pastoral Officer responsibility assigned are also able to generate and print a pastoral report for any student.  This report can include all pastoral records or be limited to specific types only and over a selected date range:

Edge also offers the tools to analyse pastoral information in detail with interactive graphs and the ability to easily export transactions to Excel for further analysis.

To find out more check out our Knowledge Base articles or email our Services team to request training.