Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Tracking student progress over time

One of the key things that schools have been asking for is the ability to show how you are making a difference to students learning across time.  One way to show this is by looking at a student's results in the assessments that they undertake.  These may be standardized tests such as PAT and STAR, Curriculum Best Fit Levels, Running Records, GLoSS, IKAN, JAM, National Standards etc.

We have recently updated Edge to make the tracking of individual student progress in assessments over their time at school much easier.  When you bring up a students profile page you will now see a new tab labeled Assessment Summary. 

In this area you will see the curriculum areas that your school has configured assessments for in Edge.  Clicking the blue arrow (chevron) next to one of these headings will open a page containing tracking graphs showing results for each assessment configured.  As soon as a result is entered in the achievement area these graphs will update to display the latest information.  Where relevant the graphs will also display published national average results for comparison purposes.

 Hovering over a data point will display the actual result recorded.  If required, each graph could be printed or downloaded as a picture file by clicking the 3 horizontal lines in the top right corner of the graph.

Drilling into the data

When you need to look closely at the assessment information for a cohort of students (class, year, group) over time we recommend the use of the Overall Tracking section of the achievement area.  We have covered this in a previous post, but to recap, this part of Edge allows you to easily isolate results across several years.  This gives you the ability to scan results for a cohort of students to identify how the students are tracking and to identify individual students who may need additional support or challenges.

For more on this see the post Achievement Updates in Edge Student Manager.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

New Look for Edge Student Manager

We are excited to be releasing a new look for the menu system in Edge Student Manager.  This is due for release in time for Term 2, 2017 and is designed to make the menu system more logical.  It is also an opportunity for us to bring you a more consistent look and feel across the product over the administration, teacher, student and caregiver views.

One of the things that you will notice when you start using the new menu system is that the sub-menus no longer disappear if you move your mouse diagonally over the menu.  Another benefit is that there is now going to be a single button for Achievement.  Clicking through to Achievement will take you into what was the Achievement New assessment data entry and analysis area of Edge as well giving you access to the Markbook feature.

Here's a short video created by Jason giving an overview of the changes.