We've also added to the Edge Mobile app. Download the latest version from Play or App Store .. search for musac edge:
- ATL reports, viewable by teachers, students and caregivers. For a student or caregiver, an "Attitude to Learning" button has been added on the home screen. Tap to view the student's report. For a teacher, a button to view ATL reports has been added to the student details screen. The button will only be visible if the student has ATL report data entered.
- Learning Support notes. Available as an option when adding a student note (click the icon in the top right corner of the student details screen to add a note), along with existing note types of Attendance, Enrolment, Assessment and Sensitive. Learning support notes are also displayed when viewing notes for a student on the student details screen.
- Record my name. When logged in as a student or teacher (not available for caregiver) you can tap “Record my name” on the home screen. This lets you record how you pronounce your name and save it in Edge. You may need to grant the app microphone access. Follow the instructions in the pop up. You can listen to a recording of someone’s name when viewing their staff or student details via “People Search”. This does not yet show up in the web version of Edge.
- Pastoral attachments. You can attach files to a pastoral record in the same way as for a student note. Pastoral attachments are not visible yet on the web version of Edge.
- New edge logos
- Truancy icon. If a student has been assigned to a "Truancy" group, a red T icon is shown on their student details screen and next to their name in the search results and when marking attendance. The truancy group is set up in the same way as ESOL and Special Needs groups. If a student is assigned to a truancy group then it is not possible to mark them present using the "Mark All" functionality, they must be marked individually.
- Attendance notes displayed when marking a roll have been reformatted to look the same as on the student details screen for consistency.
- Emergency contact information (contact name, home phone, work phone, mobile number) added to Staff Details and User Profile screens
- Bugfixes, enhancements:
- Fix for bug where pressing on a roll in the unmarked rolls list several times quickly causes multiple copies of it to open.
- If a student is absent for a single day, just one date is shown instead of Start Date/End Date when showing student attendance notes
- Leavers not shown on Payments screen unless they have an amount owing
- When searching for someone’s name you can now include a space in the search string to search for their complete name
- A bug where pastoral records were sometimes not shown in the pastoral history when viewing the last X number has been fixed
Have a relaxing term break.