Sunday, 14 June 2020

Caregiver Reporting

Covid-19 has certainly thrown a spanner in the works for most schools.  Caregiver reporting is one of those areas that we have found a shift to either no report for Mid Year or a specifically designed Lockdown report.

If you require help to create a report for this unprecedented period of school life we have an experienced team willing to help you with ideas or to simply modify your current report to reflect the new way of reporting the lockdown period.

The Attitude to Learning (ATL) reporting is another fast and efficient way to communicate with caregivers giving a snapshot of students progress using a 5 point scale (5 being the highest) in areas such as Key Competencies, Effort, Behaviour, Homework etc.  You choose how often these reports are created and they can then be published to the Parent Portal/Edge Mobile App or emailed home.