Monday, 17 May 2021

May Edge Updates

We are making a number of changes to Edge SM in May. Here's what we've released so far:

Changes to Purple Banner:

- Increased the font size of the student name.

- Included legal name.

- Added photo permission and internet permission.

- Moved the "Next" button to the right side of the name select box.

- Filter selections (Current Students, Pre-Enrols, Leavers) are now sticky when selecting students from the drop-down list .

- Added "Time at School" (YMD and weeks).

- Multiple Ethnicities are listed with a +# when more than three.

- Multiple Iwi are listed with a +# when more then two.

Other items:

- Added the option to fuzzy search for emails to help with matching when adding people  to Edge.

- Contact details for Independent Students now show in the app. (ticked as Independent Youth).

- Various minor bug fixes and performance improvements.

- Schools can now connect Edge to My Mahi to allow the relevant data to be accessed by My Mahi. The setting for this is found on the Admin>Setup>School Settings page.