Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Cyber Security

Cyber security is an increasingly important issue for schools to consider. With the increasing reliance on technology in education, it is essential that schools take steps to protect themselves and their students from potential cyber threats.

One of the key challenges for schools when it comes to cyber security is the fact that students are often the ones who are targeted by hackers. Students may not have the same level of knowledge or awareness about cyber security as adults, and may be more likely to fall for scams or click on links that they shouldn't.

One way that schools can help protect their students is by providing them with regular training and education on cyber security. This can include teaching them about the importance of strong passwords, how to spot phishing attempts, and the dangers of sharing personal information online.

Another important step that schools can take is to ensure that their technology is up-to-date and properly secured. This means making sure that all software is regularly updated, and that all devices are protected by strong passwords. Schools should also consider implementing security measures such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems to help protect their networks from potential attacks.

In addition to these measures, schools should also have a plan in place to deal with any cyber security incidents that may occur. This plan should include steps to quickly identify and respond to any potential threats, as well as steps to minimize the damage and recover from any attacks that do occur.

Before launching into anything however, you need to evaluate where your school is in its cyber-security journey. If you haven’t recently undertaken some form of evaluation, doing one is a great way to identify potential gaps in your security efforts, so that you know what risks and education opportunities should be addressed first.

Overall, cyber security is a critical issue for schools to consider. By taking steps to educate students and secure their technology, schools can help protect themselves and their students from potential cyber threats.

Tuesday, 9 August 2022

Assay Analysis update for Y1-8

Assay Analysis can now be configured to analyse extra subjects from Achievement / Markbooks. These subjects are Science, Social Science, Technology, Languages and Arts. Setup is the same as before with the columns in Achievement needing to be enabled and markbook columns having the subject number plus time of year indicators such as T1, Term 1, MY, EOY, etc.

Outputs are identical to what was already available with Reading, Writing and Maths, such as the following:

Our Assay Overview video can be viewed here:

For assistance in configuring Assay for your school please email us: services@edgelearning.co.nz

Tuesday, 29 March 2022

New in Edge

Last weekend saw quite a number of features and refinements added to Edge. Below is just a few of them. For a complete list please visit our Release Notes page.

Today's Attendance Widget - available for Attendance Officers.

Updates from 9.15 each day.

Caregiver List by Student - People>Student Lists

Lists caregiver contact information as well as bill payer and medical details.

Revised Statement layout choices including showing of payments related to items. Due date heading is also now configurable on the statement template. 

More details available in this video

Bulk Complete tool for Pastoral Records - Pastoral>Incomplete Records

And not so new, but extremely useful .. The Edge Mobile app

Sunday, 30 January 2022

Summer of 2022

With consistently high temperatures January has felt like a real summer .. and these long hot days and nights seem set to continue as schools head back for term 1 2022. Probably not the perfect companion to Omicron with all the uncertainties that brings, but by Feb 8 all schools will be underway in what is likely to be another roller coaster year.

With regards to getting the year underway with Edge here are a few start of year items:

  • Set your school calendar (Admin>Setup>Define Schools Calendar)
  • Add Teacher Only days prior to the day (Admin>Setup>Define Schools Calendar)
  • If using a timetable, activate this for the whole year (Timetable>Create or Edit Timetable..Step 7)
  • Recommended that all teaching staff be given the Relief Teacher role so they can mark a colleagues class if necessary (Admin>Security>Configure User Responsibilities). Not required for staff with the Attendance Officer Role.
  • End date staff who have left (People>View/Edit Staff)
  • Use the Edge Mobile app (Download from App Store or Play Store .. search for Musac Edge)
  • For Help click the Help button (page footer, right hand side)
  • For assistance call 0800 600 159 or email support@edgelearning.co.nz
  • To book training email sales@edgelearning.co.nz