Our server partners are experiencing significant technical issues due to an upgrade that was carried out over the weekend.
They along with our help are working to have this resolved as soon as possible however they do expect this will take until mid afternoon today.
This issue is affecting only certain parts of Edge ie: Edit Student, Printing of receipts, batch reports and some other queued print jobs including MoE Returns.
Attendance has not been affected so rolls can still be marked.
An update will be sent out a soon as we know anything more.
Thank you for your patience.
This issue is affecting only certain parts of Edge ie: Edit Student, Printing of receipts, batch reports and some other queued print jobs including MoE Returns.
Attendance has not been affected so rolls can still be marked.
An update will be sent out a soon as we know anything more.
Thank you for your patience.
Update - 3.40pm: There is still some testing needed over the next few hours however all going well this issue should be resolved by tomorrow morning.
Update - 1.45pm: The team having been working very hard to stabalise the servers and at this point things are back up and running, however we do ask that users refrain from doing any large data changes or printing until tomorrow where possible. There is still more remedial work to be done this afternoon so there may be more interruptions from 3.30pm.
Update - 11.25am: We have had a meeting with our partners and they are in the process or restoring a backup which is likely to take 5hrs. This time frame will be updated at 1pm today but at this stage we are looking at 3.30pm.