My Class Page
- Added Age of Student
- Added MOE6 Ethnicity
- Able to click on Learning Support icon and get list of learning support notes
Student Details Page
- Able to click medical icon and see list of medical notes
- Able to click on Learning Support icon and get list of learning support notes
- Able to click on all “bubbles” (Attendance, Pastoral and Notes) on the Student Enrolment Summary page and see the list, or in the case of attendance, the details as popups or in a new tab (Attendance)
- Able to edit notes from the popup (if you have the rights)
- Finance users can now reverse transactions from the student transaction summary page
- New Aged Debtor Report ..The Aged Debtor Report can be generated as a CSV or PDF file from the Debtor List page. It shows Student Debt/Unallocated Credit categorised into columns:
- Current (Debt/Credit in the past 30 days)
- 30 Days (Debt/Credit between 31-60 days)
- 60 Days (Debt/Credit between 61-91 days)
- 90 Days (Debt/Credit from 91+ days)
- Total